Securing Critical Infrastructure
Government & Public Sector

Securing Critical Infrastructure

Providing reliable cybersecurity for critical infrastructure

Critical infrastructure, as the name implies, refers to assets or systems that are vital to the nation’s physical and economic security, public health, and safety.

Examples of critical infrastructure are…

  • Energy and utilities sector
  • Water supply and wastewater systems
  • Transportation systems and infrastructure
  • Emergency services (hospitals, fire departments, ambulances)
  • Telecommunications.

Similar to other industries, digitization is also playing an increasingly important role in this sector. This can be seen in the form of smart devices, connected technologies, and networks, for example.

At the same time, digital interfaces can be exploited by hackers and malicious attackers (for example, in a war situation) – therefore, critical infrastructure must be protected with cybersecurity.

UTIMACO provides trusted Cybersecurity and Compliance solutions and services which protect critical infrastructure. These include hardware security modules, solutions for key management, data protection and identity management, as well as data intelligence solutions for regulated critical infrastructures and Public Warning Systems.


Applications for securing critical infrastructure


Public Warning Solutions

Provide powerful and instant emergency/commercial notifications in over 20 countries with more than 1 billion users.



Providing reliable proof of time, highly secure, and accurate timestamps are an ideal solution to enable trustworthy digitalization of business processes and ensure reliability for many use cases across all industries.


Qualified Electronic Signatures

Reliably identifies the signer and protects the document against tampering or forgery, Qualified Electronic Signatures are regarded as the most secure method to digitally prove a subject's identification and acceptance of the content of a document.



Replacing sensitive data with non-sensitive tokens enables secure business operations without sharing sensitive information.


Classified data protection

Certified cybersecurity solutions that protect classified information according to VS-NfD, EU-restricted, and NATO-restricted


Cloud-HSMs Enabling Shared Data Access

Manage and control which teams, departments, and single employees have access to certain kinds of data.


Key Management

Sensitive data must not only be encrypted, but also kept secure while in motion, in use, or at rest. Reap the benefits of properly managing your encryption keys.


Software-based File and Folder Encryption

Reliable data encryption at the file and folder level to protect data against unauthorized access and to fulfill data protection regulations.

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